Allgemeine Regeln

- Rights of the organizer:

1) In the absence of a judge or an excessive turnout of competitors or in the event of any delay during judging in the rings, the organizer reserves the right to appoint other judges and/or make all the modifications deemed necessary by the circumstances;

2) The organizer reserves the right to refuse any entry it should deem, at its own unquestionable judgment, not appropriate to accept without having to justify this choice. In this case, if it has already been paid, the entry fee will be refunded in total to the exhibitor.

3) The organizer also reserves the right not to definitively admit to the events organized by the KCSM, at its sole discretion and without having to justify this choice, all those who have damaged in some way the image of the KCSM or have shown behaviours that are not consonant with the organization and its collaborators.

4) In the event of an excessive turnout in the number of dogs entered, the organizer reserves the right, at its own discretion, to close registration in advance;

5) The organizer does not assume any responsibility for any printing errors in the catalogue, on entry sheets to the rings, on the notebook sheets on the blackboards and on any other form used to print or publish information inherent to the show.

6) On the base of recent approved FCI rule (June 2015) during an International and/or National Dog Shows, if a Judge, in one day, has to judge more of 80 dogs he/she is not forced to issue written judgments.

7) KCSM delegate: on the occasion of each exhibition organized by the KCSM, one or more delegates of the KCSM may be appointed. The delegates are chosen among the members of the KCSM, they have skills and experience in the field of dog shows and a perfect knowledge of national and international regulations. Members of the Board of Directors, KCSM judges and qualified ring assistants may also be appointed as delegates. In case of complaints or problems in the rings during the judgments, they will be called by the ring commissioners at the secretary office, and after hearing the parties, they will make a decision that will be immediately valid and effective, with the right to accept the appeal if considered relevant and without flaws.

- Judgment sheet: dogs can leave once judgment has been completed and after the owner has collected, at the judge's discretion, the judgment sheet and/or the qualifications booklet. The organizers do not assume any responsibility in this respect.

- Prizes not collected: prizes awarded and not collected before the show closes will be acquired by KCSM.

- Postponements and/or cancellations: the organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event. Registration fees paid by exhibitors will be refunded, following deduction of the costs sustained for organizing the event. According to FCI regulations updated to 11.19.2015 only in case of cancellation of a Dog Show due to force majeure, the Kennel Club San Marino, as reimbursement, will return the 30% of the entry fee. Each exhibitor will must send to the Kennel Club San Marino, by e-mail, his/her data bank (Swift code/IBAN), complete with personal details, name of the subject/s entered and the account holder, no later than 6 months after the date of the cancelled dog show, after this date will fall for the exhibitor all the rights of any application of reimbursement.

- Complaints: any complaints must be made and presented in writing to the Kennel Club San Marino administration office, bindingly by the end of the event, clearly indicating the date and time, the subject of the complaint and the name of anyone involved and giving a detailed description of the facts that are the subject of the complaint. The accepted complaints may have as their object only formal defects that occurred as a result of material errors of the judge, of the ring assistants / commissioners. Complaints against judgments and / or qualifications obtained, other than disqualification, are not allowed. At the same time as handing in the complaint, an 80.00 tax must be paid that will be kept by KCSM should the complaint be deemed unfounded.

- Validity of rules and regulations: please note: payment of the entry fee for any show whatsoever organized, either directly or indirectly, by KCSM, automatically implies unconditional acceptance by the exhibitor of the terms and conditions of the present rules and regulations of the Kennel Club San Marino and of the Code of Ethics for FCI Exhibitors/Handlers, as the contract is drawn up between the parties (the organizer and the exhibitor) and any judgment on the dog exposed, by the appointed judge.

The owner/exhibitor is in any case responsible for any accompanying persons in the event of their non-compliance or failure to comply with the current KCSM provisions.


This Code of Ethics pertains to all FCI dog shows organised by FCI members National Kennel Club.

 CODE OF ETHICS 1-3                                                                                        1. An exhibitor/handler arrives at the show ground with enough of time to go through veterinary check and give his dog some time to adapt in the show ground.                                                                                                             2. An exhibitor/ handler is responsible to report to a ring in due time, as shown in the show schedule for his/her shown breed.                                                                                                                                                           3. An exhibitor/ handler should not obstruct the entrance to the show ground and do not be unduly noisy, so as not to interfere with the arrival of other exhibitors.

CODE OF ETHICS 4-6                                                                                                                                                 4. An exhibitor/handler must follow all instructions given by the staff of the show and also information which is written in the confirmation documents.                                                                                                                     5. An exhibitor/handler behaves all exhibitors and show visitors with tolerance, respect and consideration.                                                                                                                                        6. An exhibitor's/ handler's clothing is businesslike and suitable for showing dogs in the ring.

 CODE OF ETHICS 7-9.                                                                                                                                               7. An exhibitor/handler inside the ring, must not use alcohol, smoke or eat, it is possible to do it in special places for food or outside of the show.                                                                                                                                     8. An exhibitor/handler must not leave his dog unattended, avoiding it howling, barking or growling permanently.          9 An exhibitor/hander could not interfere with other exhibitors/ handlers showing their dogs.

CODE OF ETHICS 10-12                                                                                                                                             10. An exhibitor/handler must not talk loudly, or remark on the appearance, gait and behaviour of other exhibitors/handlers.                                                                                                                                                11. An exhibitor/handler must not criticize the conformation, pedigree or show condition of other people's dogs.       12. An exhibitor/handler does not distract the ring staff with unnecessary conversations.

CODE OF ETHICS 13-14                                                                                                                                             13. An exhibitor/handler must not distract other's dogs (by misusing food, toys, sharp movements, gestures, or sounds)                                                                                                                                                                  14. An exhibitor/ handler must not openly criticize the judge and his / her opinion or make inappropriate remarks about the judging.                                                                                                                                             During the show, at ringside an exhibitor/handler:                                                                                                    15. When an exhibitor/handler receives the evaluation of his dog: an exhibitor handler has to accept the decision in a sporting way.                                                                                                                                                           16. An exhibitor/handler should leave the show grounds as clean and tidy as his found them.                                                 Failing to follow the code of ethics should result a process by the show organising respective committee based on its own regulations.

- Details and information sent for entry: all entries are made "BONA FIDE" by the exhibitor and under his/her direct responsibility. All inexact information referring to a subject entered in a class it should not be entered in will determine cancellation of the results obtained, obligation of the returning of any prizes unduly won and the possibility that a penalty may be inflicted.

- Responsibility: the organizer declines any responsibility for damages, theft, illness or death of any dogs shown, bites inflicted by the same, etc. and this applies in any case or for any reason. Aggressive dogs must be kept in iron cages and when out of them, must be muzzled. Exhibitors have sole responsibility for bites or any other harm caused by their dogs to third parties as part of the event on the entire show area (both external and internal). By completing entry by paying the fee established, exhibitors expressly agree, unconditionally and without reserve, to comply with the present regulations, assuming all responsibility that may result from failure to do so.

- Parking : the use of the car parking is reserved exclusively for exhibitors without any assumption of responsibility by the organization for any damage to people, animals or things.

- Your dogs welfare is extremely important to us. Please protect him or them by respecting fully all the following recommendations:
- Do not leave your dog inside the car in the sun.
- Do not leave your dog on the preparation table for longer than necessary for its grooming and under no circumstances you should leave him unattended.
- Find a suitable location that protects him from weather conditions and other situations that could possibly endanger him.
- Always watch your dog in order to prevent a risk to its life or to the physical integrity of other dogs, animals or people.
The exhibitors are responsible for safeguarding the welfare of the dog at a dog show. It is forbidden to put the dog in a situation that can be dangerous for its health and welfare, such as leaving the dog in the car in hot or cold weather and/or treating the dog in a cruel manner.

Violation of this ruling will result in exclusion from the ongoing and future dog shows.

- Entry fee: The only form of payment allowed until the second closing date and/or upon reaching the maximum number of registrations allowed, will be by credit card.

- Black list for exhibitors, handlers, dogs: three very distinct and updated lists are kept at the KCSM. The three lists contain the names of exhibitors, handlers and dogs who are not welcome in the KCSM exhibitions and in the exhibition premises, by decision of the Board of Directors, as a result of inappropriate behaviour, aggression, non-payment of registration fees or secretarial rights, etc.

- Failure of the subject to show: entry fees will not be refunded to any subjects that were entered, but were not shown or subject that after having been shown were not qualified by the judges. In turn, any dogs not presented to the jury will lose the right to be judged.

- Abandonment of the ring: the subjects who leave the ring before the judgment or the play-off is finished, without the authorization of the judge, can be disqualified

- Females on heat: If a dog is on heat, the exhibitor has the right to not show the dog in question, handing the KCSM administration office an original copy of the vet's certificate. In this case, the exhibitor has the right to a refund of 30% of the entry fee for failing to present a dog already registered on the catalogue. In any case, if a dog is on heat the exhibitor can present the dog, although care must be taken to ensure the subject is kept "clean". The exhibitor also has the possibility to obtain a full refund of the entry fee, net of any bank costs, in the event of the death of the dog entered, by presenting a medical-veterinary certificate to that effect.

- Change of class: a change of class, communicated by the second closing date, either by means of email or fax, is possible and free of charge. The change of class will not be possible when the maximum number has been reached.

- Replacement of a subject: a change of dog entered for a show is possible, providing it is communicated by the second closing date, by means of email or fax. However, payment of any difference in rates must be made by the second closing date. If the substitution of the new subject occurs after the date of first closure this will entail the payment of the price difference between the first and the second closure. The replacement of a subject will not be possible when the maximum number has been reached.

- Entries to dog shows with limited number of subjects:

Referring to the shows organized with a limited number of dog's entries, once reached the maximum amount, no more entries will be allowed and accepted, except for those received in the same day of that when the max value was reached. We would like to remember you that for logistical reasons our National and/or International Dog Shows are limited enrolment.  When the maximum number available is reached, all the entries will close early and, of course, all the rights of the first/last closing date will be revoked, in advance.

- Limitations: only dogs registered at the Dog Show are admitted; only dogs registered on the Books of Origin of Countries that are members of the FCI or of a non-member Country, but whose Book of Origin is recognized by the FCI are admitted; the entry form (or online web form) must clearly specify the acronym and the pedigree number. Dogs entered with the words "Book of Origin being Processed" will not be accepted unless a copy of a certificate by the canine body it belongs to is also presented. Simultaneous entry of the same dog in several classes is forbidden. Braces and Groups are not considered classes. Only dogs duly entered for the show can enter the show areas.

- Subjects with tail and/or ears cut off: from 1 July 2018 all subjects with caudotomy and/or conchectomy performed after 07/30/2014 will no longer be admitted to our Dog Shows even if they have a medical certificate.
Subjects cut and/or amputated before 07/30/2014 will be admitted only if provided with a veterinary medical certificate which explicitly certifies that the operation was carried out for curative and conservative health reasons and not for hunting or aesthetic purposes.
Subjects born without a tail, on the other hand, will have to present the certificate of the result of the DNA test for NBT and not the veterinary certificate.
This certificate must be presented in original at the time of the veterinary check before the event takes place. In case of lack of it, the subject will not be able to participate in the exhibition.

- Waiving show participation: in the event of waiving participation in the show, communicated by means of email or fax to the KCSM administration office by the second closing date and/or early closure, a 30% refund of the fee paid is provided for, net of any bank costs and commission (only for documented cases of force majeure).

- Sending the pedigree: entry will be valid and the dog will be judged only if at the time of payment the exhibitor has arranged to attach and/or send a copy of the pedigree of the dog entered, with the exception of subjects entered in the baby puppy class (4-6 months).

- Vaccinations: All subjects registered to the exhibitions shall comply with the normal vaccinations against rabies and the vaccination series dating to at least one month before the date of the expo. Each subject will therefore have to carry their health booklet updated.

- Validity of entry: entry is considered completed only after payment of the fee established by the organizer (and not on filling in the entry form alone). Entries made on the first closing date without relevant payment will imply settling of the fees established for the second closing date by the exhibitor in order to complete entry itself.

- Qualifications booklet: Qualification booklets will no longer be accepted or filled out.

- Dogs leaving and entering show areas: throughout the entire show, dogs are free to enter and leave the show areas, both before and after judging in the ring. Leaving and returning are however subject to the dog's microchip being checked by one of the vets responsible for carrying out such checks. No guarantee deposit is required for the dog to leave.

- Dogs' supplies: every subject must have a solid collar and lead and if a biting dog, a muzzle too. In compliance with existing laws applicable in the Republic of San Marino (law no. 101 dated 30/07/2012), leads longer than 200 centimetres.

- cannot be used and a rigid or soft muzzle must be kept handy and put on the dog whenever there is a safety risk to people or animals or if requested to do so by the competent authorities, regardless of the breed of dog. Furthermore, collars with rivets cannot be used.

- Microchip random checking: at complete discretion of the veterinarians, during the entire event, the dogs inside the exhibition area (both in the ring and outside the ring) can be subjected to vaccination and microchip control, with subsequent monitoring and verification of the breed, age and class of registration shown in the catalogue.

- Cleaning up mess: owners (by this read exhibitors, presenters or handlers) of dogs who during shows should dirty the ground in the show area (either internally or externally, including car parks and all areas made available by the organizer) must, because solely responsible in this respect, immediately pick up any excrement. Failure to comply with the present regulations authorizes the organizer, even through subjects responsible for security and/or safety, to inflict a penalty of 100.

100.00 on the dog handler. Failure to promptly pay will lead to the exclusion of the subject from the event, even if not yet judged and the impossibility for the dog handler to enter shows in the Republic of San Marino for the next 12 months.

- Show classes:

a) Champions class: entry to this class is compulsory for all San Marino Champions and optional for international and overseas champions. At the time of entry, a copy of a champion's title awarded by a country recognized by the FCI must be sent otherwise the dog will automatically be entered in the open class.

b) Open class: for dogs that are at least 15 months of age.

c) Working class: for dogs that are at least 15 months old and have the titles requested by international regulations. At the time of entry a copy of an FCI International Working Certificate must be sent, otherwise the dog will automatically be entered in the open class.

d) Intermediate class: for dogs of between 15 and 24 months of age.

e) Veterans class: for dogs of at least 8 years of age. By obtaining a 1st excellent dogs can compete for the best in breed. CAC is not awarded in this class but being able to obtain the Veteran CACIB instead.

f) Junior class: for dogs aged no less than 9 months and no more than 18 months. CAC is not awarded in this class but being able to obtain the Junior CACIB instead.

g) Puppy class: for dogs aged 6 to 9 months.

h) Minor puppy class: for puppies aged 4 to 6 months.

Pairs/Brace: for two subjects, male and female, of the same breed and variety, belonging to the same owner. Both subjects must be at least 9 months old and be registered on the Individual classes catalogue.

Group: for groups consisting of 3 - 5 subjects of the same breed and variety, produced by the same breeder and be registered on the Individual classes catalogue.

- Qualifications and titles: The following qualifications could be given in Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran classes,


Very good



Cannot be judged*


*Cannot be judged: this rating is to be given to any dog which does not move, which is lame, which constantly jumps up and down on its handler or tries to get out of the ring, which makes it impossible to assess the gait and the movement or avoids constantly to be examined by the judge and makes it impossible to inspect teeth, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles. This rating is also to be given if traces of operations or treatment can be observed which seem to indicate that the exhibitor wanted to deceive the judge. The same applies if the judge has ample reason to suspect operations that were intended to correct the original condition or feature (e.g.: eyelid, ear or tail). The reason why the dog was rated CANNOT BE JUDGED has to be stated in the judge's report.

*Disqualified: must be awarded to a dog which does not correspond to the type required by the breed standard; which shows a behaviour clearly not in line with its standard or which behaves aggressively; which has testicular abnormalities; which has a jaw anomaly; which shows a colour or coat structure that is not according to the breed standard or clearly shows signs of albinism. This qualification shall also be awarded to dogs that correspond so little to a single feature of the breed that their health is threatened. It should furthermore be awarded to dogs that show disqualifying faults in regard to the breed standard. The reason why the dog was rated DISQUALIFIED has to be stated in the judge's report.

- Awarding of CAC: the Certificate of Aptitude to the San Marino Beauty Contest is awarded to each of the following classes: intermediate, open, working and champions. The reserve CAC is awarded to the second placed in the following classes: intermediate, open, working and champion

- Colours: in San Marino's National and International Dog Shows the CAC will be awarded in each class (Open, Intermediate, Working, Champion) for each colour/type of coat ONLY for the breed of which the FCI recognized the different varieties of colour and coat. For these breeds the BOB (Best of Breed) will be unique and assigned as a result of playoff between the best subjects distinct by colour/type of coat.

- Awarding of CACIB: (exclusively in International dog shows on the FCI calendar) CACIB is awarded due to a draw in the CAC obtained by subjects of the same sex. CACIB will thus be awarded to the best male (if there is a draw between the intermediary, open, champions and working classes) and a CACIB to the best female (if there is a draw between the intermediary, open, champions and working classes). For the junior and veteran classes the title of Junior Cacib and Veteran Cacib will be assigned without any reserve. Subjects entered in the minor puppy, puppy, junior dog and veterans classes do not take part in the draw for awarding of CACIB,(Except for J-CACIB & V-CACIB). The reserve CACIB is awarded to the second placed subject (both male and female) in the draw between subjects that have been awarded a CAC, as well as subjects who were awarded a reserve CAC in the class of the subject who was awarded a CACIB. The CACIB is not automatically and compulsorily linked to the "EXCELLENT" 1st".

- Awarding of BOB: a BOB is awarded to the best subject after a draw between the two best junior dogs (male and female) that were awarded the result of 1st excellent, the two subjects that have received a CACIB (or the best male in the adult class and the best female in the adult class in national or special shows) and the two best veterans (best male veteran and best female veteran). Dogs who do not receive the CACIB in international dog show cannot participate for the award of the BOB.

- Awarding of BOJ: BOJ is awarded to the best subject following a draw between the two best young dogs (male and female) who have obtained the result of 1st excellent. Dogs who do not receive the J-CACIB in international dog shows cannot participate for the assignment of the BOJ/BOB.

- Best Minor Puppy (3 - 6 months): is awarded to the best subject following a draw between the best minor puppy male (very promising 1°) and best minor puppy female (very promising 1°) of each breed and he/her will have the right to take part to the Minor Puppy Ring of Honour.

- Best Puppy (6 - 9 months): is awarded to the best subject following a draw between the best puppy male (very promising 1°) and best puppy female (very promising 1°) of each breed and he/her will have the right to take part to the Puppy Ring of Honour.

- Best Veteran: awarded to the best veteran (over 8 years) of the breed by tying the best male veteran with the best female veteran. He has the right to participate for the award of the BOB, competing with the best adult male, the best adult female and the best juvenile. He also has the right to participate in the Best Veterans in the ring of honor. Dogs who do not receive the V-CACIB in international dog shows cannot participate for the assignment of the BOJ/BOB.

BIS - Minor puppy or Puppy, or Junior, or Veterans: the best (minor puppy or puppy, junior, veteran) is chosen by dividing among the best (minor puppy, puppy, junior, veterans) of each breed represented (they are chosen the three best subjects). If the exhibition is spread over several days, separate awards will be given for each day and not by comparing the best subjects of each day.

BOG - (Best subject of a group): is selected from all the breed BOBs of each FCI group (from 1 to 10). The first three best subjects of each group are awarded.

BIS -Best in Show - (Best subject of the Dog Show): is chosen from among the 10 subjects who received the BOG (Best of the group). The best three subjects are awarded.

Other competitions: in order to access the finals for the "best couples", "best breeding groups", "best resident subject", the dogs will be selected in the judging ring, and only one brace/group for each breed will be chosen by the judge . Only subjects regularly registered in the catalog and who have achieved a minimum qualification of "very good" can take part in the competition. Subjects enrolled in the minor puppy and puppy classes cannot take part in pairs and groups. All subjects resident in the Republic who have achieved the minimum qualification of "very good" will be able to parade in the ring of honor even if there is more than one for each individual breed.

- National Dog Show/ Specialty Dog Show (club show) are similar to the national expo, for what concerns the general regulations, as the only assignment of the CAC and the BOB is up for grabs, as well as in the national expo:
- No runoff between the sexes of the various classes are made (e.g. BOJ - except for BOB)
- There are neither groupings nor BIS.
- BOB awards are made directly in the judging ring.

- Rules of conduct: Anyone causes disturbance during dog show inveighing or insulting other exhibitors , organization's staff and judges  may be removed from the same dog show and depending on the severity of the situation, no longer be accepted at the following events organized by the Kennel Club San Marino.

- Title of Junior (Young) Champion of San Marino (9 - 18 months) and Tile of Veteran Champion:

from 1st March 2014, in order to obtain the title of Junior Champion of San Marino or the Veteran Champion title, a subject has to obtain two 1st excellent results obtained with at least two different days in the Junior class. The request for the issue of the title addressed to the secretariat of the KCSM must be made by email to the address: indicating the name of the dog and the microchip number. Only after the results have been checked by the Secretariat will the procedure to be followed to obtain the title be communicated. The diploma will be sent to the owner's address indicated on the pedigree itself

The request must necessarily reach the KCSM administration office within a maximum of 6 months of obtaining the requisites for proclaiming the title.

- Champion of San Marino:

- Starting from July 1st , 2018, to become San Marino Champion a dog must achieve four (4) CACs in adult classes (intermediate, open, working and champion) with at least (1) one year + one day time interval between the first and fourth CAC and with at least 3 different judges (e.g.: if a dog has obtained his/her 1st CAC, for example on September 7th 2018, he/she will be able to close the San Marino Championship obtaining the last CAC ONLY starting from September 8th 2019.) All the CACs obtained before July 1st, 2018 are however valid for the purpose of calculating the necessary CACs, under the above conditions. On the contrary all the CAC Reserves obtained before March 1, 2014 will be cancelled.

- Using reserves: starting from July 1st, 2018 the San Marino Beauty Championship will also be obtained by having at least 3 CACs in Dog Show San Marino and 2 Reserves of CAC with at least 4 different judges, always respecting the minimum 12-month + one day time interval (see example abovementioned).

The first useful result must however be a CAC and not a reserve.

The request for the issue of the title addressed to the secretariat of the KCSM must be made by email to the address: indicating the name of the dog and the microchip number. Only after the results have been checked by the Secretariat will the procedure to be followed to obtain the title be communicated. The diploma will be sent to the owner's address indicated on the pedigree itself

Note that the above title gives the subject who has obtained it the right to enter the Champions class in any show organized by an FCI member Country. The request to issue the title must necessarily reach the KCSM administration office a maximum of 6 months after obtaining the requisites for proclamation of the title.

Please note that the actual approval of the San Marino Champion title takes place on the first working day following the closing of the exhibitions regardless of the date of issue of the diploma.

- Grand Champion of San Marino: a subject will be proclaimed as such if, having already obtained the title of San Marino Champion, it receives 3 CACs obtained in the Champions class, without time limit, and of which:

a) at least 2 CACs should be obtained in an International dog show.

b) at least 1 CAC should be obtained along with a BOB in an International dog show.

c) at least 2 CACs should be obtained from 2 different judges.

Since the actual approval of the San Marino Champion title takes place on the first working day following the closing of the dog shows regardless of the date of issue of the diploma, the calculation of CACs necessary for obtaining the Grand Champion title will take place starting from the first dog show following the aforementioned approval. The request for the issue of the title addressed to the secretariat of the KCSM must be made by email to the address: indicating the name of the dog and the microchip number. Only after the results have been checked by the Secretariat will the procedure to be followed to obtain the title be communicated. The diploma will be sent to the owner's address indicated on the pedigree itself.

Since the actual approval of the San Marino Champion title takes place on the first working day following the closing of the dog shows regardless of the date of issue of the diploma, the calculation of CACs necessary for obtaining the Grand Champion title will take place starting from the first dog show following the aforementioned approval.

- TOP DOG SAN MARINO: Scores will be calculated based on the results obtained in San Marino Specialty (for all breeds), National and International shows from 1st January to 31st December each year. The minimum participation (or entries) required is at least 4 shows valid and it is necessary to obtain a point score in at least 2 shows. Registrations for Special Dog Shows for all breeds are valid only if made on the same exhibition day.
The rankings on the website are provisional. The official results will be announced and published, from the KCSM office, after the appropriate checks, and in any case not before January 31st of the following year. Any claims against the published results must arrive at our office no later than 10 days after that date. After that date will not be accepted more complaints and the published results will be permanent.


- CAC : 1 point

- CACIB: 3 points

- with BOB:

1 point 1 dog entered

3 point from 2 to 5;

5 points from 6 to 10;

7 points from 11 to 20;

9 points from 21 to 30;

11 points from 31 to 40;

13 points from 41 to 50;

15 points from 51 to 100;

20 points over 100.

NB: at the end of the competition, should more than one subject of the same breed have the same highest score, the following assessment criteria will apply:

1) the Top Dog will be the subject that has participated in fewer shows (subject to the requirements established by the regulation) (the requisites provided for by the rules and regulations being understood); 2) should there be another draw, the title will be awarded on a par while the premium for the absolute Top Dog will be divided equally among the joint winners present.

- JUNIOR TOP DOG SAN MARINO: reserved for subjects entered in the Junior class based on the results obtained in San Marino shows only. The minimum participation (or entries) required is at least 4 shows and it is necessary to obtain a point score in at least 2 shows. The rankings on the website are provisional. The official results will be announced and published, from the KCSM office, after the appropriate checks, and in any case not before January 31st of the following year. Any claims against the published results must arrive at our office no later than 10 days after that date. After that date will not be accepted more complaints and the published results will be permanent.


M.B. 1st = 1 point

1st EXC. = 3 points (only 1 entered in the class)

1st EXC. = 5 points (2 to 5 entered in the class)

1st EXC. = 6 points (6 to 10 entered in the class)

1st EXC. = 7 points (11 to 15 entered in the class)

1st EXC. = 8 points (16 to 20 entered in the class)

1st EXC. = 9 points (over 21 entered in the class)

To these scores, 3 points may be added if the subject also obtains a BOB (minimum 5 entered in the breed). The number of subjects entered in the junior class is not combined between males and females for calculating the point score.

NB: at the end of the competition, if there are several subjects in the same breed with the same highest score, the TOP YOUNG DOG will be the subject taking part in fewer shows (subject to the requirements established by the regulation). In the event of a further draw, the title will be awarded on a par while the premium for the absolute Top Dog will be divided equally among the joint winners present.

In both classifications (partial, final and definitive) only the first 10 placed dogs will be published.

Starting from January 1st, 2018 the assignment and delivery of the Top Young Dog certificates for each race will no longer be foreseen.

CAUTION: all scores will be calculated 15 days after the date of every show directly by the administration office of the Kennel Club San Marino. Any objection made after publication of the results should be sent within the next 10 days. After this deadline, no further communication will be accepted and the final results will be announced.

- BEST DOG and BEST JUNIOR DOG: of all the TOP DOGS and TOP YOUNG DOGS the subject that has obtained the highest point score compared to all other TOP DOG and TOP JUNIOR DOG winners will be awarded a prize voucher for a trip to a location to be determined.